Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I was just having a bash at brushing up on my photoshop skills. Tarkan.
This is an old uni piece of work. The project was to create a promotional gift wrapping paper for a personal suit tailoring company. As its wrapping paper it needs to work with half of the image not seen at first glance i.e. you can kinda understand the story/concept without the whole thing beginning presented to you in its entirety.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Seeing colour...

The poster says it all.

Poncho and Sanches world tour!

Yes its true, lock up your wives, daughters, mothers and grannys as Poncho & Sanches will be performing their world tour! They will be traveling from bar to pub to street corner, trying their best to make a penny. Playing an eclectic mix of funky latin american jazz salsa...
We were rummaging through our old work, and here's a piece appropriately called "Kissing" by Kyri Kyprianou. Hope you like!
We thought we'd add something a little political on our blog. (In the form of Alf Garnett!) On a serious note, bring back the troops Blair...
RAA-MAAAAAAAA! Quite cute really, isn't he? That kid is well past his bed time though! Raa-ma'll see to it!
Here's an image George Neocleous was commissioned to do recently. I really like the flying fish myself...

Our new website is up @! It's still a bit of a skeleton but we will be fleshing it out before the new year. Until then, Merry Christmas from the Lounge

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The lounge is now in session

The Illustrator's Lounge is a collection of four visual artists, with talents spanning from illustration, animation, to multi-media and so forth.

Welcome to our blog!