Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well, it's been a while! Over 8 months since our last update! Sorry about that. To make up for it I have made one massive bumper post (below), filling you in on all the things that we have been up to over the past X amount of months.

You can however find more frequent updates on our personal blogs:

Also we update our offset media blog weekly, and there is lots of great posts on that, so check that out too!

- The Lounge!

Some of Kyri's Character Design

Some of Geo's Character Design

A couple Vector images.

Below is a bunch of lazy loungers...

...and Gregg


A few one-shots of some much-loved marvel characters by Kyri.

oh Deer

Two rather different deer pictures.

Kyri Caps

You can download it from the Offset Media 'Goodies' section at the bottom of the page. It's called Kyri Kaps.

I designed it for a book I'm working on in my spare time, and I thought it might be useful for others, especially comic artists.

Feel free to use it however you like.


This piece is a side of traditional London that I really love; The bowler hat, the Georgian town house, and the autumn weather. It's how I see London, and how I would like it to be, It's My London.

- Geo

A blind for 'The Retreat'.

I completely forgot who I referenced for this, but I remember really enjoying making this piece. It was a commission for a bar in London called The Retreat, which unfortunately has closed down now. But I stumbled upon it today and thought it was worth sticking up here!

Olive Menu

Menu design for a restaurant called 'The Olive'